August-is noticed month of improvement and clearness
In accordance with the decree of the Hokim of Navoi city on the threshold of the country’s main holiday of the 23rd year anniversary of Independence, 16-17th August everywhere had been nationwide khashar.
Along the city everywhere people cleaned the streets, parks, courtyards, graveyards and sacred places. Navoi city’s people brought to order of the city in two days.
Traditionally participants and young people helped to lonely-elderly, the disabled, low-income families. Funds from khashar financed to the account of the Municipal Charitable Fund of "Mahalla”.
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Links to state agencies
- Portal of the State Authority
- Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Portal Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Mayor's office of Navoi region
- The Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Portal of the city of Navoi
- Legislation National database of Uzbekistan
Links to state agencies
- Portal of the State Authority
- Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Portal Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Mayor's office of Navoi region
- The Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Portal of the city of Navoi
- Legislation National database of Uzbekistan
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